Shipping Policy

Do you ship internationally?

We only ship in the US, if you need bulk order but from other countries, please file the distribution form or contact us via

How long will it take for my order to process and ship?

Processing time:

  • Order verification, quality check and packaging.
  • All orders are sent to the fullfillment center for dispatch within 1-2 days after the order is placed.

Shipping times:

  • Standard domestic orders need 3-5 day for delivery. Except for the discount items which need 8-10 days for delivery.
  • Expedited domestic orders needs 1-2 day for delivery. 
  • Shipping time might vary depending on location, shipment method and other factors.
  • Please note: There may be delays due to high demand, carrier availability, and any government restrictions that may occur due to COVID-19.

How will my packages ship?


How much does shipping cost?

Free shipping on all orders.